As I promised in my previous
blog post about the Mlyn handmade fare, I'm starting to expose those dolls here, at my virtual stand :)
I decided to start by exposing my
Matryoshka (aslo known as Russian dolls or Babushka dolls) Tilda dolls.
I crafted them easily, in a burst of inspiration. I liked them. They are the first but I can say for sure that they are not the last ones you'll see.
So here they are:
Handmade Tilda Toys - Matryoshka Tilda Dolls |
Handmade Tilda Toys - Matryoshka Tilda Doll (1) |
Handmade Tilda Toys - Matryoshka Tilda Doll (2) |
Handmade Tilda Toys - Matryoshka Tilda Doll (red and white) |
Dear Julia, my name is Kiki. I am from the Netherlands. I love your work. I especially love your Matroeska dolls. My daughter has a matroeska theme in her room, she is 3 years old. My other daughter who is 5 would love your dolls. I am going to buy a tilda book myself and give it a try.
Thank you, Kiki. I'm pleased you liked my dolls )
By the way, my daughters are the same age as yours (5 and 2.8). If you've got any questions on making dolls, I'll be glad to help you.
Thank you very much for your reply. What is the tittle of the Tilda book in which I can find the pattern for the matroeska doll?
Hi Kiki,
Actually I found the patterns for the matryoshka dolls in the internet... As far as I know, "The Tilda Characters Collection" book by Tone Finnanger (the creator of the Tilda style) contains some Matryoshka patterns
one more book that contains Matryoushka patters: "Tildas julehus" by Tone Finnanger (but unfortunately I didn't find it on amazon)
Your dolls are lovely! Could you share the weblink where you found the pattern? Thank you!
Thank you, Else )
I'll look for the pattern in my archive; please send an email to my address (yuliya.karalenka [at] gmail) and I'll attach it to my reply
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